A Heavenly Lake of Beer: St. Brigid’s Day Blessing

I publish this each year at this time to remind us of great lakes of beer, lambs, groundhogs, milkmaids, and miracles.  This includes St. Brigid’s Blessing, well worth reading.  Tired of groundhog day?  Celebrate St. Brigid instead.

Saint Patrick, meet your better half!

  Brigid is a jolly saint of babies, poets, cows, scholars, travelers, and beer (the last attribution mine).  She’s a vernal saint associated with the green fire of rising spring energy. Her Day is February 2,  Imbolc. In Celtic mythology this the beginning of pre-spring, lambing, and lactation… birth and milk in the animal folk. She is a patron Saint of milk and milk givers, beast and human.

Groundhog Day was formerly Bear Day.  It’s time for us all to come out of the winter hibernation now.  Artists, this means you.  And in this year of drought,  a bit of St. Brigid’s spring rain would be very healing.

She studied under St. Patrick, founded her own convent, and tended the poor.  Some– I am one– think that she surpassed him in his time.

I often do series cow series that I associate with her, but what I love about her is this list of her best and deepest wishes for the world.  Read through to the last two lines, then get yourself a brewsky.

I would like the angels of Heaven to be among us.
I would like an abundance of peace.
I would like full vessels of charity.
I would like rich treasures of mercy.
I would like cheerfulness to preside over all.
I would like Jesus to be present.
I would like the three Marys of illustrious renown to be with us.
I would like the friends of Heaven to be gathered around us from all parts.
I would like myself to be a rent payer to the Lord; that I should suffer distress, that he would bestow a good blessing upon me.
I would like a great lake of beer for the King of Kings.
I would like to be watching Heaven’s family drinking it through all eternity.

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11 thoughts on “A Heavenly Lake of Beer: St. Brigid’s Day Blessing

  1. Lovely illustrations, Suzanne. In Ireland, it should be Guinness that Bridget reigns over, but the brewery probably couldn’t co-opt her. She was famous for giving stuff away — her own stuff, her family’s stuff, other people’s stuff. Hmm. Madge might have a St. Bridget gene…


  2. I was brought up catholic and surrounded in saintly wisdom. My mother could name and describe so many saints and St Brigit was one of her litany. I had forgotton all about her. Thank you. I should put a picture of her out in the barn so she can smile to my animals!! c


    1. Cecilia, thanks so much. I found a picture of a child Bridget in a cow herd as well. She’s a benevolent spirit we need today… a “green” and mediating saint. Thanks for following, too. Oh, I wanted to tell you that there’s a St.Bridget’s Farm as well in Maryland, raising beef humanely.


  3. My parents gave me the middle name of Brigid because she was both a Catholic saint (who loved beer) and revered in Celtic mythology. I love that about her, too. And now as a nursing mother, I love her even more! Thanks for writing this piece.


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